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nvda etf fundETF

Top ETFs and Funds with NVIDIA Holdings (US & Japan Stocks)

NVIDIA's growth has been phenomenal, reaching a market capitalization of $1 trillion in June 2023 and then reaching $3 trillion in just one year, overtaking Microsoft to become the number one market cap company. Here we introduce some U.S. ETFs that include a high percentage of NVIDIA, as well as mutual funds that are easy to invest in in Japan.
fang 01investment trust

iFreeNEXT FANG+ Index: Key Stocks and Future Outlook for NISA

An overview of the FANG+ Index, its attractiveness and risks, and its role in a long-term investment strategy is detailed. We will delve into the considerations of investing in this index, including the implications of concentrating on the leading companies in the technology industry, the regular turnover of its constituent stocks, and its future trends and prospects over the long term.
all country 01investment trust

All Country Fund vs. S&P 500: NISA Comparison, Growth, and Yen Risk

A comparative analysis of mutual fund issues "Orcan (All Country)" and popular U.S. stocks, S&P 500 and NASDAQ 100, in the new NISA. Using SBI Securities as an example, we will introduce how to choose domestic mutual funds and the minimum points to keep in mind.
robopro 01investment trust

ROBOPRO AI Investment: 3-Year Performance and Recommendations

Based on our actual experience with ROBOPRO, we detail its reputation, performance, and why we recommend it. We also discuss the importance of taking a long-term view of investing rather than seeking short-term results and the impact of currency exchange rates, providing useful information for those who are considering using ROBOPRO or are interested in robo-advisors.
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