About this site

This site "MiFseeis a personal blog that provides investment-related information, especially about U.S. stocks, in a way that is easy to understand even for novice investors.

Most of the stocks and themes that I cover are ones that I myself have actually purchased or am considering purchasing. Therefore, there is a slight bias. 。。。。。

Although I myself have been investing for a long time, I am a steady investor and have not achieved spectacular results.

However, as I encounter a wide range of investment issues, including U.S. stocks and commodities, I feel the importance of understanding the background of the companies and the global economy on a daily basis. For this reason, we value learning patiently and deepening our understanding one by one.

I am not a full-time investor, so the pace may be slow, but I hope my research will help someone else's investment.

We have done our best to ensure that the articles are error-free, but if you find any errors, please let us know.

Twitter (@mifsee), but I would be happy if you feel free to talk to me.

Profile of the operator

  • Occupation: IT related
  • Address:Kanto
  • Family: Wife, eldest daughter (family of 3)

The investment start was unforgettable in 2009.
I remember it clearly because it was the year of Obama's inauguration.

At that time, I had no idea about investing, left or right, so I gathered information that was familiar to me and opened an account at Matsui Securities. The first stock I bought was a Japanese stock, but as soon as I bought it, it went down and I lost 40,000 yen at once.
It was a nightmare, a daily nightmare of fear and a sudden drop of 1,000 yen every time the price went down one tech every day.

More than 10 years have passed since that experience, and I have been able to increase my assets very little in Japanese equities.
However, when I saw how stocks that had fallen to their lowest prices in Japan during the Lehman Brothers collapse subsequently recovered unbelievably, I realized the importance of buying stocks when they are in decline.

Then came the Corona shock.
At that time, I was busy with work and child-rearing and did not have much time to spare, but based on my experience at that time, I decided to buy index shares of U.S. stocks as a trial.

Then the economy gradually recovered and U.S. stocks fell sharply in late 2022, but the portfolio as a whole did not turn negative.
Of course, most of the stocks were negative, but the stocks I had purchased during the Corona period covered it all.

After all, I was painfully reminded for the second time that it is very important to have the courage to buy when it is cheap.

I will continue to maintain my own investment strategy and style, and work steadily and carefully to build my assets, even though there may be some surprises in the future.
